Real-world experience
The iX LaunchPad programme has been a game-changer for high school students seeking real-world work experience.
One of the most important aspects of the programme is the micro-internship project, which enables students to gain invaluable experience in various fields. This is made possible through strategic partnerships with companies from all over the world.
What's fascinating about these partnerships is that they include companies of all sizes. From Investec Private Bank, an international bank and wealth manager that our Investment Finance students work with, to startups like Vixtape, a Web3 virtual mixtape concept that our UX/UI Design students design an app for. Our students learn about various fields, including blockchain, data analytics, business consulting, and more.
We find that no matter the size of the company, our partners are invested in education and the future. These companies are at the forefront of their industries and are enthusiastic about working with our students to enable them to make the best decisions possible for them.
One of our valued partners is Caleo Capital, a financial services provider based in South Africa. Our Business and Management Consulting students evaluate the Caleo Capital value proposition and examine the merit and planned expansion of one of its investment businesses. They use the skills and tools they learn in class to determine the feasibility and viability of a proposed new product, offering advice and guidelines for the company to follow.
By using real businesses and confronting real business problems, our students are given genuine insight into the work they might do in a role like this in the future. This is crucial in informing their choice of major, even informing their choice of tertiary institution.
At iX LaunchPad, we recognise that not all work is in for-profit businesses. That's why we partner with organisations like Global Forest Watch to showcase this variation in our partners. Through these partnerships, we provide our students with the real-world work experience they need to make informed decisions about their future careers.
Global Forest Watch is a forest monitoring organisation dedicated to measuring and analysing forestation across the world. Our Data Analytics students work with GFW data to gain insights into forestation while learning how to clean, process, and analyse data producing usable insights and data visualisations.
It is widely accepted that the ability to work with and understand data is crucial to the success of the next generation of workers. No matter which fields a student decides to go into, skills in data will always come in handy.
Our micro-internship partners are a vital part of our programme, and we're grateful for the opportunity to work with them. With their help, we can continue to prepare high school students for the future by giving them the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in any field.