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April 26, 2019

iX Teacher Spotlight — Benjamin Schoelzel — Management Consulting Berlin 2019

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"One of the most essential developments  in Consulting is the push to offer more advanced analytical services and offerings."

  • Benjamin 'Ben' Schoelzel is a Management Consultant at a boutique strategy consultancy. Before his current position, he worked at BCG for 2 years, which he left to pursue his various interests (amongst others, a flailing career as a standup comic). He's studied, worked and, most importantly, lived in the UK, various parts of Asia and the Americas.


Ben Schoelzel iXperience Management Consulting Head Teacher, Berlin

What are you working on now?

I recently completed the overhaul of the customer service function of an international manufacturing company. The project was exciting, as the impact created over a short amount of time was massive and much appreciated.

What do you enjoy most about the Management Consulting industry?

Working with a variety of clients and projects across different industries.

Why did you decide to get involved with teaching and how do you continue to keep things fresh?

I have always enjoyed working with people and sharing my knowledge. I got involved with teaching early on in my life. I keep things fresh by pursuing my hobbies, one of which is reading. This, in turn, inspires my teaching.

What are you most looking forward to about iXperience Berlin this summer?

I am most excited about working with young and inspiring people who are keen to further their knowledge in an exciting industry.

How do you see the Management Consulting industry changing in the next year to five years? What skills will consultants need to have?

One of the most essential developments in Consulting is the push to offer more advanced analytical services and offerings. This will require firms to build up more capacity and capabilities, mirrored by a changing skill profile of consultants (e.g., usage of analytical tools).

What skills will iX students have after graduating from your class?

My students will be able to perform like experienced entry-level consultants.

What’s one piece of advice that you have for the iX class of 2019?

Take the classes and content seriously, while trying to shift from a career-focused mindset to a personal development one instead.

What would students be surprised to learn about you?

I like to write short stoies. They are no good ;)

What song do you know all the lyrics to?

'Do not go gentle into that good night' (from Interstellar); which originally was a poem by Dylan Thomas.

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