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Data Science.


Machine Learning

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Company and project details.

DataProphet is an AI-as-a-Service company of machine learning specialists with a global presence. They work with manufacturers worldwide to optimize their production KPIs via existing plant data and machinery. They specialize in optimizing the complex manufacturing processes of key industrial verticals with state-of-the-art machine learning. Their AI-driven solutions leverage the existing data streams from clients’ production line equipment to identify process inefficiencies and faulty machine behaviour in real time.

Project deliverables.

Interns worked on projects relating to the manufacturing space and measuring efficiency on real-world production lines that were in active service.

Skills used.

Python, Visual Studio, Jupyter, supervised and unsupervised machine learning.

Our previous internship manager.

What makes our company unique when compared to teams performing a similar capability in other companies is that we place more emphasis on the algorithmic and theoretical knowledge. Practically, while SQL and other database management skills are necessary, those skills are assumed rather than celebrated, whereas implementing a bleeding edge version of XGBoost or having a new insight into an algorithm is celebrated.

Testimonial Person

Michael Grant

Former CTO at DataProphet